Public Relations

Finding your voice

You have an impressive marketing programme which matches clear corporate objectives; you are active on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter; you are in regular contact with journalists; and you run numerous stakeholder events every year. But have you lost your voice? Amidst all the distractions of managing a multi-disciplinary communications programme, it’s essential to hold on

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Why ‘sales’ are not a great deal for your PR

‘Special Offer. Huge reduction. Once in a lifetime chance. Act Now!’ We have seen it a thousand times in all areas of our business and personal lives, but are ‘sales’ all they are cracked up to be?  Could agreeing to buy a discounted product or service do more harm than good for your business profile?

Why ‘sales’ are not a great deal for your PR Read More »

Trust me……I’m a PR professional

Ah, trust. As any counsellor will tell you, trust is key in any relationship. And it is vital when building relationships with editors and journalists. They need to be sure that the information you give them is accurate, truthful and not twisted into misrepresentation – their own reputations are bound up in the quality of

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Assume nothing!

This is our unofficial company motto and it has stood us in good stead over the years. We all make assumptions: assuming it won’t rain because the weather forecast said it wouldn’t or in my case, assuming that it will rain because I have just washed my hair and I have neither a jacket nor

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Who are you?

No, this isn’t a random reference to The Who, but rather a serious question that every organisation should ask themselves about their profile. I’ve been attending a number of networking events recently. There’s nothing concentrates the mind so well, early in the morning, as having to introduce yourself and your company, over and over again.

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