2017. Time to get a grip on your PR

I am the sort of person who always likes to get a grip. I am not a fan of drifting along hoping that everything will turn out for the best. PR, however, is a ‘slow burn’ activity, building over many weeks and months with the results only apparent long after the hard work has been […]

2017. Time to get a grip on your PR Read More »

#FakeNews. How do you get your message across to an increasingly distrustful public?

Most people have always been aware that what you read in the papers, see on TV or social media may not be 100% accurate. Anything that has been edited, re-written or re-presented will be coloured by the viewpoint of the person doing the editing – whether consciously or unconsciously. It may be a simple case

#FakeNews. How do you get your message across to an increasingly distrustful public? Read More »


Phillips Profile is once again sending digital Christmas cards and making a donation to charity. Our support this year goes to Rowan, a Cambridge City based charity and arts centre that brings together artists and people with learning disabilities in the production of fine artwork and crafts. Rowan provides opportunities for self-expression and creative exploration. Creating

Rowan Read More »