Acorns have always been important to us here at Phillips Profile. Adopted from the beginning as our logo, acorns represent potential and strength. Now with the call to plant 3 billion trees in the UK by 2050 to offset carbon emissions (, the humble acorn has even greater significance.
The ambitious tree planting target means that each person in the UK needs to plant 1⅓ trees each year. The team here at Phillips Profile plan to play our part. We have collected our acorns and will soon be planting them in pots. Our aim is to grow at least 23 oak trees – that’s one for each year our consultancy has been in existence. We’ll also be trying to grow some horse chestnut trees.
None of us is particularly green-fingered but fortunately growing oak trees from acorns is straightforward. Simply plant an acorn in a small pot of compost or soil, about an inch down. Leave outside and just make sure that it does not completely dry out over the winter. With luck you will see a shoot emerging around April. As the sapling grows, it will need transplanting to a bigger pot, ready to be planted out in the Autumn.
If all goes well, we will have at least 23 oak trees next year all looking for a home. If you know of a school, hospital or other good cause that would like one of our trees then please let us know.