community engagement

#FakeNews. How do you get your message across to an increasingly distrustful public?

Most people have always been aware that what you read in the papers, see on TV or social media may not be 100% accurate. Anything that has been edited, re-written or re-presented will be coloured by the viewpoint of the person doing the editing – whether consciously or unconsciously. It may be a simple case […]

#FakeNews. How do you get your message across to an increasingly distrustful public? Read More »

Engaging your PR team early reaps the best rewards

Our local Waitrose is undergoing a major refurbishment. Given that it is squeezed in between homes and businesses in an historic town with virtually no room for manoeuvre, this was never going to be an easy task. Customers are facing a scaled-down temporary store, ongoing works, carpark closures and general construction chaos. You would expect

Engaging your PR team early reaps the best rewards Read More »